Bollywood Actress Vidya Balan and Megastar Amitabh Bachchan shared a terrific screen chemistry in the film ‘Paa’ where they played the role of a mother and son. And while that film went on to give ‘Auro’ his national award, the buzz is out that Vidya Balan and Amitabh Bachchan are teaming up again.
And yet again, they are not playing the romantic pair (which is surprising given that Amitabh has romanced younger lots like Tabu and Jiah Khan in ‘Cheeni Kum’ and ‘Nishabd’ respectively).
Well! Renowned Bengali director Rituparno Ghosh is all geared up to bring on celluloid the tale of Kabulliwallah penned by the Noble Award winner Rabindranath Tagore. Amitabh shall play the protagonist Kabulliwallah who woos the young girl Mini with his baadam pistas and akhroths. Vidya shall play the grow-up avatar of Mini.
Vidya Balan is pretty gung ho about this project as Kabulliwallah is one of her fav stories. Vidya often wonders what may have happened to the character of Mini post her marriage. This is, surely, a touching, moving tale of an old man and an inquisitive girl and deserves a celluloid immortality by the likes of great actors like Amitabh.
And yet again, they are not playing the romantic pair (which is surprising given that Amitabh has romanced younger lots like Tabu and Jiah Khan in ‘Cheeni Kum’ and ‘Nishabd’ respectively).
Well! Renowned Bengali director Rituparno Ghosh is all geared up to bring on celluloid the tale of Kabulliwallah penned by the Noble Award winner Rabindranath Tagore. Amitabh shall play the protagonist Kabulliwallah who woos the young girl Mini with his baadam pistas and akhroths. Vidya shall play the grow-up avatar of Mini.
Vidya Balan is pretty gung ho about this project as Kabulliwallah is one of her fav stories. Vidya often wonders what may have happened to the character of Mini post her marriage. This is, surely, a touching, moving tale of an old man and an inquisitive girl and deserves a celluloid immortality by the likes of great actors like Amitabh.