Bollywood producers of the critically acclaimed film Ishqiya, announced its sequel critically acclaimed film Ishqiya was a super success and for a long time, there have been speculations over a sequel. However, last night at a party the producers of the film, Shemaroo and Vishal Bhardwaj, announced the sequel with the same cast and crew. A source said, “Ishqiya was a huge hit and was also critically acclaimed. The producers were very happy and were keen to make a sequel. However the film did not take off for a long time. Everything seems to be on track now and last night the film was announced at a private party at the producer Shemaroo’s office. Arshad and Vidya were present when the film was announced, while Vishal, his wife Rekha, and Abhishek Chaubey were also present. Abhishek has an idea and the script is currently under finalisation. The film will go on the floors in the middle of this year. The last draft is being written and maybe one or two people might be added. Vidy...
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