We bring you the only definitive list of stars who control Bollywood—every corner of it. There`s Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh engaged in a dogfight at the very top and then there`s poor Akshay Kumar who took a hit after his trip to China failed to bear fruit. Then, there`s rising star Farhan Akhtar who has successfully displaced Hrithik Roshan, turning the former into Mr Number Nine, just ahead of the only woman in the list, Kareena `Size Zero` Kapoor!
Bollywood Actress Rani Mukherjee's sexy in her bikini In Dil Bole Hadippa Believe it or not, but the whole ‘bikini top ‘n’ skimpy shorts’ avatar in short — flaunting Rani Mukerji’s hot new bod wasn’t her idea. Not even the producer or director had anything to do with it. After she realised how much she had toned up (to play a male cricketer in Dil Bole Hadippa!), Rani just happened to discuss this idea with her designer friend Manish Malhotra. And from there on it was Manish’s game plan, after all, he’s transformed many a Bollywood girl in to glam queens. He suggested that it would be a pity to waste such a well-toned body by not showing it off. That’s how the idea of a special song was born. And is she looking hot? Talk about her ‘shapely’ success, and Rani says, “Believe me, I didn’t starve at all. I love my food, especially rice and sweets. There was no way I was giving up all that. So, I just worked out harder and was occasionally allowed my ‘cheat’ meals of rice, sweets, etc. ...