Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan allegedly came very close to fighting physically last week. The two leading actors of the Indian film industry not only abused each other in the eyes of the whole select gathering during the birthday party of Katrina Kaif, but were just short of throwing punches at each other. Salman Khan who had thrown the lavish party for his heartthrob Katrina Kaif, the reigning diva of the Indian filmdom was an inebriated state when Shah Rukh Khan entered the party with his wife Gauri Khan. Salman Khan had reportedly a few complaints from Shah Rukh Khan.
The most important complaint being the fact that the king Khan had not reciprocated his generosity by appearing in a guest role in his forthcoming film.
Salaman Khan had appeared in a guest role in Shah Rukh starrer Om Shanti Om, that went on to become a super duper hit. But apparently Shah Rukh Khan failed to reciprocate by doing a guest appearance.
Salman and Shah Rukh Khan have also become competitors recently. Both the superstars are hosting game show for different TV channels. Salman allegedly said that SRK wanted to torpedo his game show ‘Dus Ka Dum’.
King Khan initially avoided responded to his vitriolic, but thing went out of hand when Sallu threatened to beat him. This infuriated Shah Rukh so much that he said that he would beat Salman, there before theeyes of his friends and relatives.