Revolving round the lives of six characters who come out with film-based antics and one-liners is a brand new soap opera titled “Jigar Ma Badi Aag Hai!” that goes on the air on Filmy channel beginning October 14. The story is about three boys named Lallan, Raj and Arjun who live together in the commercial city of Mumbai. Actor Sunil Grover plays the character of Lallan, who is a simpleton from Jaunpur, while Kiku Sharda is acting out the role of Arjun, who is o bsessed with film music and has run away from home as he aspires to become the next R. D. Burman. That he has not created a single authentic tune is another matter. Raj is essayed by Krishna Sharma, who claims to be a fashion photographer but ends up clicking pictures at birthday parties and weddings.
All the three boys are besotted with Pushpa, played by Shweta Gulati. But the surprise package is that veteran television stars Neena Gupta and Kanwaljit Singh have come back together on the small screen for the first time after their hit series “Saans”.
Neena, who plays the role of the boys’ landlady, is always grudging that she couldn’t play the main role in Muzzafar Ali’s critically acclaimed film “Umrao Jaan” that in reel was played by Rekha.
Stating that her role in the upcoming serial was different from her earlier assignments, Neena at a press conference here on Tuesday said she agreed to be a part of the show as is was a tribute to Bollywood. “The serial ‘Jigar Ma Badi Aag Hai!’ will make the audience realise how entertaining Bollywood really is. Through common day-to-day influence of Hindi films in our lives, we are showing the real entertainment value of Hindi cinema,” she added.
Kanwaljit’s is known as IAS in the serial as he wanted to join the Indian Administrative Service but ends up becoming a librarian: “The series has given Neena and me another opportunity to work again but in a completely different format than ever before. Our characters are clearly defined and we will definitely add freshness to the show.”
All the three boys are besotted with Pushpa, played by Shweta Gulati. But the surprise package is that veteran television stars Neena Gupta and Kanwaljit Singh have come back together on the small screen for the first time after their hit series “Saans”.
Neena, who plays the role of the boys’ landlady, is always grudging that she couldn’t play the main role in Muzzafar Ali’s critically acclaimed film “Umrao Jaan” that in reel was played by Rekha.
Stating that her role in the upcoming serial was different from her earlier assignments, Neena at a press conference here on Tuesday said she agreed to be a part of the show as is was a tribute to Bollywood. “The serial ‘Jigar Ma Badi Aag Hai!’ will make the audience realise how entertaining Bollywood really is. Through common day-to-day influence of Hindi films in our lives, we are showing the real entertainment value of Hindi cinema,” she added.
Kanwaljit’s is known as IAS in the serial as he wanted to join the Indian Administrative Service but ends up becoming a librarian: “The series has given Neena and me another opportunity to work again but in a completely different format than ever before. Our characters are clearly defined and we will definitely add freshness to the show.”